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Latitude HTTP API Documentation

This guide explains how to use the Latitude HTTP API to interact with the Prompt Manager and run AI-powered conversations.


All API requests require authentication. Include your API key in the Authorization header of your HTTP requests:

Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY

Base URL

The base URL for API requests depends on your environment:

Rate Limiting

The API enforces rate limits based on your API key to ensure fair usage and prevent abuse.


  • Rate Limit Points: 1000 requests
  • Rate Limit Duration: 60 seconds

When the rate limit is exceeded, the following headers are included in the response to help you manage your request rate:

  • Retry-After: Indicates the number of seconds to wait before making a new request.
  • X-RateLimit-Limit: The maximum number of requests allowed in the current period.
  • X-RateLimit-Remaining: The number of requests remaining in the current period.
  • X-RateLimit-Reset: The timestamp when the rate limit will reset.

Example Headers:

Retry-After: 60
X-RateLimit-Limit: 1000
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 999
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1729399082482

These headers are sent with every request to help you monitor and adjust your request rate accordingly.


1. Get a Document

Retrieve a specific prompt by its path.

Endpoint: GET /projects/{projectId}/versions/{versionUuid}/documents/{path}

Path Parameters:

  • projectId: Your project ID (required)
  • versionUuid: Version UUID (required, optional for SDK’s defaults to ‘live’)
  • path: Path to the document (required)


The response contains the existing document details along with its configuration.

Response Body:

  "id": "document-id",
  "documentUuid": "document-uuid",
  "path": "path/to/document",
  "content": "Document content",
  "resolvedContent": "Document content without comments",
  "contentHash": "content-hash",
  "commitId": "commit-id",
  "deletedAt": "deleted-at",
  "createdAt": "created-at",
  "updatedAt": "updated-at",
  "mergedAt": "merged-at",
  "projectId": "project-id",
  "config": {
    "provider": "Provider name",
    "model": "Model name"

2. Get or Create a Document

Endpoint: POST /projects/{projectId}/versions/{versionUuid}/documents/get-or-create

Path Parameters:

  • projectId: Your project ID (required)
  • versionUuid: Version UUID (required, optional for SDK’s defaults to ‘live’)

Request Body:

  "path": "path/to/document",
  "prompt": "Your prompt here"
  • path: Path to the document (required)
  • prompt: Prompt to use for the document (optional, defaults to empty)


The response contains the created (or existing) document details along with its configuration.

Response Body:

  "id": "document-id",
  "documentUuid": "document-uuid",
  "path": "path/to/document",
  "content": "Document content",
  "resolvedContent": "Document content without comments",
  "contentHash": "content-hash",
  "commitId": "commit-id",
  "deletedAt": "deleted-at",
  "createdAt": "created-at",
  "updatedAt": "updated-at",
  "mergedAt": "merged-at",
  "projectId": "project-id",
  "config": {
    "provider": "Provider name",
    "model": "Model name"

3. Run a Document

Run a specific document (prompt) with optional parameters.

Endpoint: POST /projects/{projectId}/versions/{versionUuid}/documents/run

Path Parameters:

  • projectId: Your project ID (required)
  • versionUuid: Version UUID (required, optional for SDK’s defaults to ‘live’)

Request Body:

  "path": "path/to/document",
  "parameters": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": "value2"
  "stream": false
  • stream: Optional boolean parameter (defaults to false). When set to true, the response will be a stream of Server-Sent Events (SSE). If false, a single JSON response containing the last event is returned.


  • If stream is true: The response is a stream of Server-Sent Events (SSE). Each event contains JSON data with the following structure:
  "type": "chain-step" | "chain-step-complete" | "chain-complete",
  "isLastStep": boolean,
  "uuid": string,
  "config": {
    "provider": string,
    "model": string
  "messages": Message[],
  "response": {
    "text": string,
    "toolCalls": ToolCall[],
    "usage": {
      "promptTokens": number,
      "completionTokens": number,
      "totalTokens": number
  • If stream is false: A single JSON response is returned with the final event (typically the chain-complete event) in the following structure:
  "uuid": string,
  "conversation": Message[],
  "response": {
    "streamType": "text" | "object",
    "usage": {
      "promptTokens": number,
      "completionTokens": number,
      "totalTokens": number
    "text": string,
    "object": object | undefined,
    "toolCalls": ToolCall[]

Message follows OpenAI’s format.

ToolCall has the following format:

type ToolCall = {
  id: string
  name: string
  arguments: Record<string, unknown>

4. Chat

The previously described POST /projects/{projectId}/versions/{versionUuid}/documents/run endpoint can also be used to continue a conversation. Notice all events contain a uuid field that represents that conversation with the AI. You can use this uuid to continue the conversation.

Endpoint: POST /conversations/{conversationUuid}/chat

Path Parameters:

  • conversationUuid: UUID of the conversation

Request Body:

  "messages": [
      "role": "user" | "system" | "assistant",
          "type": "text",
          "content": string
  "stream": true
  • stream: Optional boolean parameter (defaults to false). When set to true, the response will be a stream of Server-Sent Events (SSE). If false, a single JSON response containing the last event is returned.

Message follows OpenAI’s format.

Response: The response is a stream of Server-Sent Events (SSE) or a single JSON response containing the final event, similar to the “Run a Document” endpoint.

Handling Server-Sent Events (SSE)

The API uses SSE for real-time updates. Here’s how to handle SSE responses:

  1. Set up an EventSource or use a library that supports SSE.
  2. Listen for events and parse the JSON data in each event.
  3. Handle different event types:
    • latitude-event: Contains information about the chain progress and results.
    • provider-event: Contains real-time updates from the AI provider.
Error Handling

The API uses standard HTTP status codes. In case of an error, the response body will contain an error message:

  "error": {
    "message": "Error description"

5. Evaluate a Conversation

Evaluate a conversation using configured evaluations.

Endpoint: POST /conversations/{conversationUuid}/evaluate

Path Parameters:

  • conversationUuid: UUID of the conversation to evaluate

Request Body:

  "evaluationUuids": ["evaluation-uuid-1", "evaluation-uuid-2"] // optional, defaults to all evaluations connected to the conversation prompt


  "evaluations": ["evaluation-uuid-1", "evaluation-uuid-2"] // array of evaluation UUIDs that will be run

6. Create Log Entry

Create a log entry for a document.

Endpoint: POST /projects/{projectId}/versions/{versionUuid}/documents/logs

Path Parameters:

  • projectId: Your project ID (required)
  • versionUuid: Version UUID (required, optional for SDK’s defaults to ‘live’)

Request Body:

  "path": "path/to/document",
  "messages": [
      "role": "user" | "system" | "assistant",
          "type": "text",
          "content": string
  "response": string


  "id": "document-id",
  "uuid": "log-uuid",
  "documentUuid": "document-uuid",
  "commitId": "commit-id",
  "resolvedContent": "Document content without comments",
  "contentHash": "content-hash",
  "parameters": {},
  "customIdentifier": "custom-identifier",
  "duration": "duration",
  "source": "source",
  "createdAt": "created-at",
  "updatedAt": "updated-at"

7. Create Evaluation Result

Create an evaluation result for a conversation using a configured evaluation.

Endpoint: POST /conversations/{conversationUuid}/evaluations/{evaluationUuid}/results

Path Parameters:

  • conversationUuid: UUID of the conversation to evaluate
  • evaluationUuid: UUID of the evaluation to use

Request Body:

  "result": 2,
  "reason": "The output is not relevant to the prompt"


  "id": "evaluation-result-id",
  "result": 2,
  "reason": "The output is not relevant to the prompt",
  "createdAt": "created-at",
  "updatedAt": "updated-at"